Learn About Our Superior Lawn Care Process

  • 20+ years of experience beautifying lawns
  • Premium fertilizing & weed control treatments
  • Spring & fall yard cleanup services
  • Full-service mulching Installation

Spring & fall lawn cleanups are a basic necessity for every property in Minnesota with the seasonal climate changes. While some people choose to take on these tasks themselves, others hire a professional lawn and landscape company like Doehling for the service because of our extensive experience and use of commercial-grade equipment to get the job done right. Your lawn will be the last thing on your mind all year round!

What type of fertilizer should I use for my lawn? What weed-control treatments are safe to use in my yard? When it comes to giving your lawn or commercial property the attention and care it needs to thrive, the list of lawn care-related questions you may have can start to pile up fast!

Fortunately, our team of lawn care and landscaping experts are here to help guide you through our process and are always available to answer any questions you may have!

Here to Answer All Your Lawn Care Questions

With many years of experience, we’ve encountered numerous lawn care questions from our customers throughout each season that tend to arise quite often.

In order to try and help you gain a better understanding of our lawn care services, we’ve noted some of the most common inquiries you may come across that may be helpful to you.

Common Identification Questions

Some of our most common questions are about identifying the problems you’re finding in your yard.


This is one of the most common lawn care questions that we get each year. The biggest difference between the two types of grassy weed is perennial vs. annual.

Quackgrass is a perennial type of plant and sprouts form a root mass each spring. It is also a cool season plant, so it thrives early in the season (April- June). Its rapid growth in April & May really makes it stand out from the rest of the lawn. Since it is a perennial plant, there are no selective control products available for it outside of Round-Up.

Crabgrass, on the other hand is an annual that sprouts each season from seeds left from previous years adult plants. Another difference is that it is a “warm season” plant, meaning it thrives better in warmer and drier environments which is why we see this weed more often mid-summer (July-August). Control measures for crabgrass are primarily “pre-emergent,” which prevents the sprouting and growth of new seedlings into adult plants.

The best way to determine which weed you have is the presence of the weed in May. If you are seeing it in April or May, you most likely have quackgrass, as environment conditions have not yet been met that would allow crabgrass to flourish.

Voles Vs. Moles

We get this question most often in the spring, just after the snow melts and the damage is revealed. Voles are by far way more prevalent in lawns that we service. The difference can be simply identified as “moles” tunneling under the grass in the soil while “voles” will tunnel through the fibrous grass thatch above the soil but under snow during the winter.

Typically, the damage caused by voles is limited to aesthetics. In most circumstances lawns will heal up by themselves by mid/late May. The best practice is to leave the lawn damage alone until the lawn starts to green up. Raking the torn-up grass too early has been shown to lengthen the healing/growing process.

Unfortunately we have not come up with any successful control measure for voles. We have noted reduced vole activity in lawns by making sure perennials from adjacent landscape features are fully cut out each fall. This helps remove additional shelter areas for the voles prior to snow cover. Different trapping methods for moles have been shown to be effective. Trapping moles is not a service that we currently offer.


Grass lawns, by nature, need lots of sun. Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, and Perennial Fescue are the three most common types of grasses on Minnesota lawns. All three are classified as “full sun,” meaning they require a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

Over the years, seed companies have created different hybrids of all three that will survive and grow without full sun. These are classified as “shady” or “partial sun” mixtures, claiming they will grow in those shaded areas of your landscape.

However, even these varieties will still require at least 3-5 hours of direct sun. In some circumstances, this may be the case. However, there are other factors that also need consideration.

Of these, some of the most impactful are morning vs. afternoon sun as well as availability of air movement. Implementation of a good fertilizer and weed control program can go a long way to help improve lawns in these areas. However, grass growing beneath a row of 50-year-old maple trees is not likely to fully grow.

What Our Services Provide

Here’s what to know about when to start our services and what we can provide for your lawn.


The simplest answer to this question is “ASAP”; however, there are several factors that dictate when we feel comfortable starting our lawn care services each spring.

The primary of these is when lawns and landscapes have dried sufficiently enough to allow for safe working conditions on your lawns without causing damage. This is obviously dependent on precipitation amounts each year in late March and early April.

The 2nd factor we look at is ground or soil temperature. The soil temperature in the top 2 inches should be at least 45 degrees or more. This is important because crabgrass seeds can sprout at soil temperatures of 50 degrees. For each day we put down our pre-emergent product before this point, we are losing one day of control on the back side as ground temps warm into the germination range. We try to strike a reasonable balance of when to start by looking further out at 7-10 day weather forecasts. If a prolonged stretch of cool weather is forecasted, we will often postpone starting applications.

On the flip side of this are homes at the end of our service routes. We often get customers concerned it will be too late for the crabgrass preventer. It is important to understand that crabgrass can sprout at 50-degree ground temps, but this is in perfect conditions and the absolute lower limit.

Additionally, the pre-emergent doesn’t just prevent crabgrass but a whole host of other seeds and weeds that might be in your lawn. Having this done later is actually more beneficial as weed prevention will go later into the growing season.


Each year, we have a wide variety of new clients joining our service program. Folks come to us for varying reasons, but normally their lawns are not in the condition they would like them to be. Most people are looking for a greener, lusher lawn without weeds.

As a service provider, we are also looking for the same results at the end of our seasonal services. This is not something that can or will happen with just one application, most specifically in regard to weed elimination/control.

You should be able to observe noticeable changes within a week or two of an initial application, but it is likely that a full season of applications will be needed to get a severely distressed lawn into shape.

All of our applicators are eager to help you with the same goal in mind, so feel free to call, email, or just stop one of us when we’re at your home with any lawn care questions you might have.


Fertilizer and weed control treatments are two of the most important aspects of maintaining a lush and beautiful lawn. All our fertilizer formulations contain varying amounts of “controlled or slow-release” nitrogen in a granular formed product, while our weed control is obtained by applying a sprayable liquid herbicide.

This combination delivers proven results that are second to none, as years of experience have led us to the development of our customized lawn treatment programs.


Our state-of-the-art lawn care equipment yields an exceptionally high-quality cut with a clean, professional appearance. Most of our commercial and larger residential accounts are typically mowed weekly.

However, during periods of unusually high growth, turf areas will need to be cut more frequently to keep a professional, well-kept appearance.

Our lawn crew will blow out grass clippings from shrubs, sidewalks, and parking lot areas. Line/string trimming will be done with each mowing visit leaving a clean, finished, and manicured property. Excessive amounts of grass clippings can be removed at your request but we recommend having these dispersed on the ground to stimulate a healthier lawn.

In addition to commercial lawn mowing services, our other commercial lawn care and landscaping services can include anything from fertilization and weed control services to irrigation assistance to snow removal services, giving you more options to maintain a professional appearance for commercial property all year long!

areas we serve

We offer all of our lawn care and landscaping services to all of the following areas:

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